Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Death of blog?

I don't post here enough to call this sad place my blog.

I've decided to go back to livejournal since I'm more used to the system.

You all can find me at since_lush

It's set to friend's only, but I highly implore Glamour (who I know reads this) to sign up. It'd be nice to be lj friends.

Thanks guys.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Stupid kids.

There's a 12 and a 14 year old hitting on my boyfriend.
I hate kids that aren't mine.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


So I've been neglecting you dearest blog. I'm sorry.

all that's on my mind at the moment is frustration.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I shall continue to replay the events of the night for several hours.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Be grateful.

A co-worker of mine's father just died today. How you ask? Skiing accident.

Then it left me to wonder; how much of life do I let slip by without REALLY enjoying it?

As Stephen mentioned in a past modesty entry; safety couches will be the end of us.

At one point I did have an actual safety couch. I could lie down with the lies and forget that I was really happy. The person sharing it with me, only once drunk claiming emotion and love--didn't really care. But I'd tell myself the more I pushed my limits, the more he'd want me.

I told the story to The Poet the other day and he managed to phrase those two years of my life in a single sentence "You kept getting your heart broken over and over."

I don't know how my mind set when from someone passing to the safety couch, but it seemed relavent.

Wonder where my couch went? The school brough in a dumpster to clean out the old theater and The Poet and I loaded the couch into the dumpster. And that was the end of my safety couch.

Get off your safety couch bloggers!

P.S. Aunt Flow just came to town. I've never been happier to see her.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Congrats Darling You! You're 21 days late on your period! Woooooo!

So you're either....

a) Pregnant (unlikely)
b) menopausal (also unlikely)
c) freakishly late (how is that possibly at my age?)

I'm bloated and crampy and I want to die. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck

Whatever this is. This is bad.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

French Toast Zen.

Today I worked one of the hardest shifts I ever had.
So I made myself french toast and a double espresso with cream.
Oh. Dear. God.
That was amazing.